The week day begins with morning prayers and mass at 6:25, then breakfast around 7:10. lectures at Tangaza begins at 8:30 and ends at 1:15. this period of morning to afternoon of studies is for the core subjects. in the afternoons of Wednesdays and Thursdays, we go for various elective courses from 2:30 to 4:15pm. Evening prayers begins at 6:15 and ends at 7pm (meditation, office of reading and evening prayers. supper at 7 to 7:30. afterwards the programme is open for personal stuff (studies, recreation, computer etc)
Manual work is on Monday afternoons from 4pm to 5:30 and on Saturday general cleaning of the whole house. Tuesday afternoons are for sports at Marist brothers field. Friday afternoons are for going to town for shopping as a community. Saturday is a free day after house general cleaning and on Sunday you go any where of your choice within Nairobi for mass and its also a free day except for those cooking. there is small recreation every Sunday after supper for about 45 minutes..
we are about 31 students friars with 4 elder friars...Fr Dennis(guardian), Fr Kikuyu(rector), Fr Masawuso(formator zambian) and Fr ROBERT(doctor of canon law and civil law, lecturer at Tangaza, CUEA and Salesian university)

let me know any other info you want...Ghanaians are 4, Kenyans are 8, Tanzanians are 2 and Zambians are 17

Sent by Fra Pius Tandoh, Nairobi 


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